00:03-00:07- This clip shows us the first opening clip from the trailer with the names of the two directors who made the film.
00:09-00:10- This clip shows three different clips with three different activities going on in them. Going from left to right. The first clip has a person riding a motorcycle with his legs in the air whilst doing a wheelie. The second clip is a man on top of a tall building holding a selfie stick. And the third clip is a person doing a flip over the railway tracks.
00:12-00:13- This clip shows us the name of the player in the bottom left of the screen and how many people are watching in the bottom right of the screen. It is also a close-up camera angle.
00:14-00:15- This clip shows us one of the main characters (Emma Roberts) watching the videos of other people doing the tasks. This is a extreme close-up.
00:18-00:19- This shows us what the video is asking her to pick.
00:21-00:22- This clip shows us (Emma Roberts) looking into the distance at a large city. This clip is shot with an over the shoulder camera angle.
00:28-00:29- This shows us (Emma Roberts) pressing her screen to be a player of the game. The camera angle used here is a medium close-up with the inside of here computer on top.
00:31-00:33- This clip shows (Emma Roberts) receiving her first challenge for the game. It also shows how many people are watching and what her name is on the screen as well. The camera angle used here is a two shot medium close-up.

00:40-00:41- This shot shows us for the first time we see the other main character (Dave Franco). The camera angle used in this shot is a medium close-up.
00:43-00:47- This is when the two main characters (Emma Roberts and Dave Franco) first meet each other when (Emma Roberts) does her first task.
00:58-00:59- This shot shows us where the film is set which is New York. This is an establishing shot. Establishing shots are used to show the audience where a film is set or where a scene is set.
1:19-1:20- This title in the film trailer shows when the film is going to come out. This is important for views to know so they can go and watch it when it comes out.
2:20-2:22- One of the final clips at the end of the trailer is when they show us the name of the film.